Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Links to Some Informative Websites

This link is an article in SeattlePI from 2003. Attorney Maureen Brown constructs a hypothetical income statement, using likely tax percentages and approximating statistics. When analyzing her numbers, one should take into account the changes in estimates, including an increase in population and and increase in taxable corporate income.

NORML (National Organization for the Reformation of Marijuana Laws) runs a website that can answer most questions anyone has about marijuana. While in favor of legalization, or just decriminalization even, NORML has valid unbiased points that one should consider while debating legalization.

This Drug War Facts web page is part of a larger site that focuses on, well, drug war facts. But this particular page focuses on marijuana. It is completely unbiased, containing only facts from sources that it cites.

Marijuana Myths takes on the myths that many are aware of concerning marijuana. It soundly refutes or attests to the accuracy of each myth.

And lastly, Marijuana: Health Effects is a web page that summarizes various points made in the author's book. Some topics it addresses are the risks of pot, how cannabis affects the brain, and how cannabis affects the body.

1 comment:

  1. While I am still against the outright legalization of marijuana, these links have really provided an excellent source of knowledge for me and you have actually altered my opinion substantially to the point where I am in favor of decriminalizing marijuana use and possession.
