Sunday, October 4, 2009

Other Titles that I Almost Named the Blog

I had created about seven serious alternative names for AQotWB before deciding on "All Quiet on the Western Blunt." I decided on naming it this because of how the argument is relatively quiet (as compared to major topics, like health care and war) and our status as a major part of the Western world. These names are all based on pop culture names or works; see which ones you can identify!
  • Trees Grow in Brooklyn
  • Eternal Sunshine of a Potless Mind
  • Some Like it Pot
  • Rear Indo (I guess I kind of gave it away with the picture, sorry)
  • Through the Looking Grass
  • Bud's Wiser (which ultimately would be my pseudonym)
Original picture (pre-photoshopping) from Rear Window

1 comment:

  1. The demand for weed will never go away in American culture. The war on drugs is a joke and a waste of american tax dollars. Decriminilizing marijuana will take the durg out of the hands of dangerous criminals and into the hands of the goverment to control and moderate. Tobbaco and alchol, two drugs already regulated by the Federal goverment, have much more damaging affeects on health than marijuana. Also access to legal marijuana could poetentialy lessen the demand and use of harder illegal drugs.
